Falling back in love with your business…

Can you remember the first time that you had a crush on someone in school? You were sure they were the one, weren’t you? Your heart was beating wildly, your palms were sweaty, and you couldn’t breathe without shouting.


Then the anguish when you don’t see them at school every day? Do you remember what you did next?


You stalked them.


Let’s just admit that ok, most of us stalked our crushes when we were younger, if you didn’t do that, just have my back, and tell me it is ok, we all wished we did that…


You would find out who their friends at school were, which path they took home every day and even what sport they did, just in case you could engineer an ‘accidental’ meeting.


The same principle applies when you start your business.


It was love at first sight and you couldn’t eat, sleep, or do anything except think about your business idea.

Much like with a lover, you would research your potential clients and find out what they want, and how they like it and figure out how you could be of service to them.

Then came the next fun part…


Reaching out.

Can you remember the first time you reached out to a potential new client? Your heart was racing, your palms were sweaty, and your mouth was as dry as the Sahara Desert, sounds a lot like the time you were getting ready for a first date, right?


Remember what you did next?

You did it anyway.

You pushed through the fear and sent that well-researched proposal or email and then you waited…

The silence was deafening, after two days you sent a gentle reminder. Four days later and still nothing. So, you phoned and left a message and before you know it, a week has passed without a response.

By this time, you look like the Madhatter who has had a tea party with 3-year-olds. Your hair is a mess, your table is covered in sweetie wrappers, and your eyes are twitching every time a new spammy email came through.

Then on day 8, you decided, “That’s it”, that customer was never worth working for anyways, who wants to do work for a person who doesn’t even respond to their emails right – so selfish.


Instead, you get dressed to impress and you put all your best content on your LinkedIn and Facebook pages, you attend networking events and make sure your dream client’s competition is there and offer them an even better deal than you proposed to him/her, and they actually respond to your email and one week later you have your contract!


What happened here?


You realised your own worth.

You knew what you had to offer was of great value, you knew that you could do the work better than anyone else and you loved what you do.


Did you see that?

You loved what you do, and you showed passion, commitment, and confidence to get the job done because you loved what you do.


Five quick-fire tips to help you fall in love with your business again.


1.     Know your Superpower/USP/ X factor?

Why you and not your competitor? Do you remember your butt-kicking attitude when you started your business, you just knew that you were the best in the industry, because …. Why? Why were you different: was it your techniques, your method, your personality, or your unique insight which set you apart from everyone else? Now flaunt it. Tell the world, why you are different and why they should work with you. Find something that is unique and catchy.

2.     Remember your why.

Why did you want to start your business? What was the problem that you were passionate about? Can you remember the feeling of excitement, nerves and even fear of starting your business? What made you do it? It was likely not easy. What was the final deciding factor for you to launch your business? Remember those pain points you were amped on getting solved for your customers, they still need your help.

3.     What are the results?

What do your clients experience once you have done the work for them? How do they feel, look, or do they think differently after working with you? If you don’t know this, ask. Ask for honest feedback and you will be amazed at what they have to say about you. This can be a good example to find a tagline for your company. I used ‘Creating Extraordinary Outcomes’ instead of CEO back in the day, what is yours? You should use these as testimonials for new clients too.

Remember your brand is what others say about you when you are not in the room.

4.     What’s in it for them?

Your customers should feel like VIPs when you deal with them. How can you better serve them? Do you respond to emails quickly, do you answer your calls, do you do the work and deliver it in the timeframe that you promised? Do you communicate processes, timeframes and delays to them? Do they feel like you care about them? If you can remember that the customer is always king, you will be in business for much longer than your competitor who is only in it for the money.

5.     Do something nice.

If you are struggling to get clients or not feeling of value, then help a charity out. There are no better endorphins than showing kindness to others. Who can you help today and make a difference in their lives? Yes, you could get publicity out of that, that is up to the charity you support, but you should do it from a place of love.


So next time you feel frustrated that you are not being appreciated, straighten your crown and celebrate yourself.

The more you love what you do, and it shows, the more clients you will attract and that means – more ka-ching in your bank account.

So, get out there and own your turf, do what you love, be darn amazing at it and never forgot your own worth.


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